Sunday, 7 September 2008

Drawing in...

Hmm, the year feels like it is drawing in and getting itself ready to rest. This I would not mind but ffs it's only September! Or maybe it's just me that is imprinting myself on the worlds emotions as I really feel like curling up into a ball and hibernating. Maybe it's just the after effects of the kids party, which went really well btw. Apart from a couple of nobby girls who won't be welcome here again.

Am looking forward to Mabon and Halloween at the mo as I'm feeling a need to be close to my chosen path.

Enjoying magic man and the effect he has on Cam. Also he's good for a laugh.

Bloke back at work tomorrow. Dogs back from kennels tomorrow. Boo hiss.

1 comment:

just a girl... said...

can I just say I love your about me description. Thanks.