Friday, 26 September 2008

Mum 2 Asperger's 1

So although my little guy (Stealth) is not so little - 12 actually! You'd be forgiven for thinking he's really about 8 or 9...that my friends is down to the aspergers. BUT after 5 yrs of doing the exact opposite of what every psych in town told us to do Stealth seems to be coming into his own a bit!! Woot and a woohoo!

He came up to me yesterday and said that he thinks he wants to be an engineer (I later worked out he meant civils) when he's older, now that might not mean anything to you guys but to me it is a huge - nay colossal step for him. Normally he is petrified of growing up, not just hm I wish I could stay 11 but screaming, crying, beating the floor and himself and trashing things petrified of getting any older.

Stealth, I salute ya! And also give myself a pat on the back cos my way of looking after the aspieness is working (so far.... cautiously optimistic Ma that I am)

1 comment:

Posh Totty said...

Thats fantastic well done to you both Xx :o)