Saturday 23 August 2008


So, what's been happening this week in crazy Crapsville??? Counting down work shirts til my beloveds fortnight off from work... Do americans say fortnight or do they have another word for 2 weekly?? Working out if I'm actually friends with a person who I really like or if I'm just a tax deductible, ordered some chocs *sigh* , started going back to acupuncture due to my anxiety levels slowly rising, paid some bills blah, blah. God I am sooo boring and lame and more boring.

In my fantasy land I spent a couple of mornings slurping latte's whilst wandering round museums before heading off to a lively brunch with friends *to whom I'm not tax deductible*, created some stunning pieces of journaling and art, made at least 3 contributions to world history and solved some difficult scientific problems for NASA..

The second one makes me sound much more impressive.

So does this person like me too?? Grrrr, I just happen to want to be around Len a lot at the mo, I enjoy their company and they seem to enjoy mine and I think we were probably Bob Hope and Bing Crosby in a former life on the Road to Rio. I just want to sit and listen to this person chat cos I think it's restoring my faith in human nature. Grr, don't know whether to wrestle or kiss this person.

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