Friday 12 December 2008

Ooops, there goes November..

So, it's been a while eh? I'd love to give some reasonable excuse to why I haven't blogged for so long - like maybe I was tending to the sick and injured in a war torn country or running round the country handing out scarves and gloves to old grannies. I wasn't. I have been tres lazy where the computer is concerned. I have looked at it as I dash past it towards the kitchen or the garden and seen it with it's little blue light just staring at me but I cast it aside for the more mundane tasks such as life, dog training and chocolate.

But I iz back now.

So, not much happening really, life goes on doesn't it, even if you don't want it to and you're left chasing it like in an old black and white movie when the heroine is on the train and the hero is chasing down the platform after said train shouting "but dahling when will I see you again."

I think my life is less dramatic yet with undertones of Bing Crosby and Bob Hope On the Road to Morrocco..

Today I am going to deliver Yule cards to the friends and neighbours on my street, they will all think they are Christmas cards but that is part of my cunning plan of Yule cards cleverly disguised as Christmas cards!! Then no one need know that I am treading a different path to them all and will be sat lighting candles and drawing energy from the moon tonight. Ah, bless - blow a little kiss to our little mother, the moon - she always appreciates it.

I had a bit of a wobble over the weekend when I learnt friends of ours were buying their kids some extravagant gifts for Christmas. For a whole 24 hrs I was distraught at the fact that maybe I was a terrible Mother for not spending like a kagillion pounds on CK and Stealth for Yule/Christmas. But then my lovely husband spent some time reminding me that I am near as damn it a hippie at heart and spending to excess on materialistic things just isn't like me and that hey what are those guys going to top this yrs presents with??
He was right. I had a keeping up with the Jones's moment and it really threw me as I am not subject to those very often, if infact at all...
As a family we are well known for being ourselves and loving and nurturing who we are.

Jones's mo over with, phew....

Besides, all CK really wants is some fluffy black boot covers....

Love, light and peace to all as I think we all deserve it during these cold,dark winter months.

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