Thursday 11 September 2008

Forgot to mention

So we were standing at the customer services desk in the local supermarket, waiting for Stealths birthday present. My bloke had been taking the piss (as I'm sure that when the kids finally start university all I'll be good for is working on the tills in the local tesco's) cos I'd said the serve yourself bit was complicated - which it was when you had coupons ffs!! Anyhoo, there we were, stood at cust services with me planning my sarcy get you back comment. All I could bloody think of was his nostril hairs as they were all tickling his top lip and waving hello to me in the gentle air conditioned breeze- so top of my voice I say " yeah well your nose hairs need cutting skanky man...... Just then an assistant walks up behind the counter to the exact spot we were at and picks up the phone that had been laying on the side and says "Sorry for taking so long but sorry madam we haven't any in stock".

Ha lmao funny, I'd love to know who had listened in on my get you back (although very lame) comment.... Hope it made her day.

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