Saturday 13 September 2008

My House

My House...
1. Bugs me
2. Is so fooking dusty I need to don a surgical mask if I don't want to bring up a lung.
3. Home to my family and pets.
4. In desperate need of paint.
5. Available for curry tonight.
6. Has too many unfinished things in it.
7. Boring.

Hmmm, is this my house I am talking about or just me??? Apart from the dusty bit.

So it's been a couple of months since I came off my meds AND finally I am shifting a few lbs!! woohoo. My Dr actually told me that these meds I've been on for like 13 yrs are a major source of weight gain and considering the kasquillion lbs I've put on in the past decade I have to agree with her! Now I'm not one of those people who blame it on genetics.. there are times when I curl up in food as a comfort blanket and don't come out til I've eaten my own body weight in whatever is handy (even lettuce which is not as satisfying as it sounds) but in general my teenage daughter CK eats more than I do. REALLY! Go ask her, or my bloke. It's true she eats more than me and Stealth put together sometimes. But she isn't a big gurly where as I am.
Fortunately sans meds I think a diet is actually gonna work. Every attempt in the past has been fruitless due to stoopid meds BUT now without even trying a few lbs have fallen off. I can actually remember what it was like to not have fatness issues.

I am so fed up of being judged just cos I am on the large side. I think I'm quite a cool person. Sleep with me first cos I'm a tiger in bed then you can judge me. Just don't make assumptions about me cos I'm big. Unless you are judging me to be a very cool gurly with awesome lady lumps who is fantastic in the bedroom (ask my bloke - he'll agree) who just happens to find life WEIRD. I mean - that'd be a pretty accurate judgement. I love to laugh and be amazed. I love people watching. Martial arts movies are pretty cool and obviously I'd like super powers but who wouldn't.

Ho hum, off to finish something for once - does hanging the washing out count????

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