Saturday 17 January 2009

Blogging comments

Wow, I caused waves with someone after I made a comment about someone's comment on a blog I read pretty much daily...
Comment boxes are, I think, not an easy thing to use effectively. All you see are the written words with no level of intonation or body language. Hmmm, difficult.
The blog in question is one that I feel some common ground with as the blogger has similar issues and trials and tribulations ( albeit in another country, my husbands home land). Not common ground to do with the physical problems of living in a country where if there is no milk that week - there is no milk that week ( experienced that for a short while though, in another country!!) but the weight of being a wife, mother, friend, home schooler, neighbour.. general human being really!

I am who I am- as is the other person, who maybe just needed to be a little more eloquent in her writing so as to convey the true meaning of the words in her comment (not that I am a brilliant writer by any means..)

Plus, I'd just found out that my friends pregnancy (see previous post) was coming to a bitter end when I wrote the comment.

By the way, I did call her (the commenter) stoopid and poopy.

Ah well, we were easy targets for each other. Although I think she will probably bear me more ill will than I her, but I am going to move on and take with me the fact that the person whose blog the negative seeming comment was on originally, has seen that so many people feel that she is a person worth cherishing and even though things ARE difficult for her, they are supportive of her journey and not critical of it, letting her blog be an outlet for her joys and sorrows.

Ciao xx

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