Wednesday 7 January 2009


Hey, I'm back!! Although I missed Haiku Monday - again.... Happy New Year to you all!
Our trip up to Scotland for Hogmany was lovely, marred only by the untimely arrival of psycho sister in law. No, truly she is psycho, I have never known anyone like her - she made her husband (Carnelian Dude's brother) drive all the way up north after a 2000 mile driving trip to the alps 2 days before all because she couldn't stand the thoughts of us having a family get together with her not there. Her exploits are many.... too many to document infact, unless you were a social worker or some sort of prison worker! She managed to split the family up for about a year or so by spreading vile lies through the grape vine and now resorts to petty weird things like pretending they can't find one of the kids hats as they are leaving only for me to find it under a cushion when we get back inside - what's wrong with that you ask?? Firstly Carnelian dude checked under all the cushions and secondly she just so happened to "forget" her coat and have to nip back in while we were all stood outside freezing out nips and nads off... Then hey presto the hat appears. She is a psycho schemer. Nuff said.

C.Dudes family live in a very rural area so it was just beautiful with a really hard frost making everything glisten snowy white.

New Years Eve was wonderful & I kid you not we had a BBQ outside when the temperature was around minus three degrees c.

The company was wonderful (apart from psycho bitch) and Likkle ol' me didn't go to bed til 5am on New Yrs day ( which is unusual as I loves me bed!) Not bladdered I might add, even though everyone else was!

Ah, Scotland the brave! We love ya!

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