Wednesday 28 January 2009


Carrie aka CK

Don Corleone aka Me

Sooooo, teenagers. Not only don't they have any adventure they also put your back up quite a bit.

Take for example my CK, she's heavily into this Carrie look. You know the evil stare from said girl of said film. CK you have to use a dictionary instead of your ipod - cue Carrie stare... CK says " but Mum, I really wanted to wrap that present for girly girl" me - " well CK you could have done it this morning instead of watching Fame or what ever programme..." cue Carrie stare.... Stop messing with the candles, making wax balls on the end of dead matches while sat on the highly combustible settee, cue Carrie stare.

If I wake up drenched in pigs blood I will not be surprised at all.

Although things might then take a turn for the worse as I will take the lead role in a likkle ol' film known as the Godfather - badda bing badda boom. Lets see how Carrie stands up to Vito and Michael Corleone. Supernatural or not - that Carrie is in for it.

Boarding schools should be free to people who blog.

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